

Reconnect and Re-Establish Your Inner Peace

Many people get caught up too much on life’s challenges whether at work, home, school, or relationships. One way to deal with this is to divert our attention to the present to find peace, and this also helps us focus on what’s currently...

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What You Need to Know About Couples Therapy

A lot of marriages have unfortunately failed due to preventable and trivial differences. Even the simplest issue can drive people in a relationship reckless and sometimes helpless. When you are in a marriage or a relationship, a certain...

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Benefits of Anger Management Therapy

People can be hot-headed sometimes. But if you find yourself being taken over by your anger, you might want to consider seeing a therapist. You can go to any behavioral health service in New Jersey, which offers anger management classes to...

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Biofeedback Therapy as Treatment for Anxiety

Shirley Court Gonzalez LCSW BCD was established to help you and all other people who need mental health service in West Orange, New Jersey. We realized that the only way to help people is to provide the best quality service they...

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Mindfulness: Being Present to Stop and Smell the Flowers

How many times a day have you obsessed about the past or worried about the future? How many times have you been too distracted to function or have become too caught up with your thoughts to sleep? Do you usually find yourself spending a lot of...

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When Anxiety and Depression Combine

Both depression and anxiety can be unbearable. So many people experience these daily without any known reasons or stressors. You can still function and feel this way or it can interfere with your daily living. Either way, getting help and...

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