
Explore These Methods to Control Anxiety


Feeling anxious about something is normal. In some cases, anxiety can even be helpful as it prompts us to take action and address some of our life’s problems. However, intense anxiety can be debilitating for many. It can even increase our risk of developing depression and other mental conditions.

Here at Shirley Court Gonzalez LCSW BCD, we take every step to help you achieve stronger mental wellness through our mental health service in West Orange, New Jersey. We understand that controlling your anxiety levels is crucial to achieving this goal. Let’s discuss some techniques you can explore to keep your anxiety in check.

  • Deep Breathing Exercises

    As we provide cognitive behavioral therapy in New Jersey, we understand the impact of breathing exercises on your mental wellness. These exercises can help you relax and relieve your stress. As a result, these exercises can suppress your anxiety. You can practice these exercises whenever you feel overwhelmed and anxious about something.

  • Redirection

    You can also redirect your attention when you feel intense anxiety. Doing something productive or enjoyable can help shift your focus. This can help you manage your anxiety better. Together with our psychotherapy in New Jersey, keeping your anxiety levels in check can be an easier process.

  • Focusing on the Present

    So much of our anxiety can be caused by something that is not in the present moment. Paying attention to the present moment can help us realize that the thing we are anxious about cannot affect our present selves. This can be an exercise to manage your anxiety.

Of course, addressing your anxiety can be easier with the help of professionals. If you need help addressing mental problems, we are here for you. Call us today for your inquiries!


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