
What Is the Impact of Deep Breathing on Heart Health?


More than a calming technique, deep breathing is a vital practice. It’s often a part of a comprehensive mental health service in West Orange, New Jersey, with significant benefits for heart health. With how fast life can happen, it’s important to understand how such a simple act can greatly benefit our cardiovascular system.

  • Lowers Blood Pressure

    Deep breathing helps to lower blood pressure by activating the body’s relaxation response. This natural reduction of blood pressure can have a cardiovascular impact, making it a key component in managing hypertension.

  • Improves Oxygen Flow

    Incorporated into psychotherapy in New Jersey, deep breathing also enhances the oxygen flow to the heart. Improved oxygenation supports optimal heart function, which is crucial for overall cardiovascular health. It ensures the heart doesn’t have to work excessively hard to circulate oxygen-rich blood.

  • Reduces Stress

    Chronic stress is one of the known heart disease risk factors. Managing it through deep breathing exercises provides a protective effect against heart-related issues. In cognitive behavioral therapy in New Jersey, therapists often utilize deep breathing to manage stress effectively.

  • Enhances Heart Rate Variability

    Deep breathing is also beneficial in managing anger, where it’s used to enhance Heart Rate Variability (HRV). An improved HRV is an indicator of a healthy, responsive heart. It reflects the heart’s ability to adapt to stress and other physiological demands like anger management.

At Shirley Court Gonzalez LCSW BCD, we know the interconnectedness of mental and physical health. That’s why our care includes a blend of psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and holistic techniques like deep breathing. Here, we aim to support the overall well-being. Contact us to know how we can help.

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